Beauty Hack Featured Posts Makeup Product Skin Treatments

My Complete A-Z of Beauty

17 March 2021

My A-Z guide of beauty, from ingredients and qualities, to products and brands.

 A is for… Acne 

1 in 20 adult women suffer from acne, and even more get the occasional spot or blemish outbreak. Clay, Charcoal and Oil based products are all great for tackling acne and spots. It is not caused by poor hygiene, contrary to many things you may hear.  Outbreaks can be due to your lifestyle; diet, stress etc as much as your skincare regime, so whilst treating or responding to spots with 

B is for… BB creams 

BB creams are short for beauty balms or blemish balms. They were first developed in Germany by a dermatologist who wanted a single cream that would protect skin and provide coverage after laser treatments.

C is for… Collagen

Collagen. Is responsible for the skin’s plump and youthful appearance, and begins to deplete at the age of 25. Be vary of companies that claim that their products can plump collagen into the skin, as collagen molecules are generally too large to penetrate into the skin. We can feed the skin with nutrients that can trigger production. Treatments such as needling, radio frequency and ‘HIFU – High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound’. 

D is for… Dark Circles

We’ve all had dark circles under our eyes, whether we are a bit run down, tired, or naturally have a darker ring under our eyes, it’s a common problem, but there are measures we should take to help.  The 3 most important tools to have are; a good eye cream, sleep and a targeted dark circles product for those particularly bad days. The area around the eyes is very thin, a specific cream for your eyes should always be used, not a regular face moisturizer. TIP – use a concealer that is 1-2shades lighter than your foundation to brighten the under eye area.

E is for… Expiry Dates

 The expiry date on a product is from the time that the product is opened. This is usually indicated on the back of the product, which will indicate how long the product is viable once opened. It can vary from 6-18 months from time of opening, depending on the product.

F is for…Facials

 Facials can have numerous benefits from improvement in skin tone, texture and they are just pure bliss. So go on treat yourself!

G is for…Glycolic Acid

Derived from sugar cane may sound scary, but it can work miracles on the skin. It’s molecular make up is so small, that it works deep into the skin, treating lines and wrinkles, brightening skin and rejuvenates skin cells. 

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Ren’s Glycolatic Radiance Renewal Mask tackles lines, brightens skin and combats congestion.

H is For… Hyaluronic Acid

This naturally occurring molecule is right up there in the anti-ageing stakes – it works to lubricate the connective tissues in your skin, keeping pores plump and hydrated. Our own reserves reduce as we age so applying this ingredient topically is vital for preserving a youthful glow.

I is For… Inflammation

Symptoms of inflammation in the body can be numerous and vague – ranging from fatigue to headaches – and your skin is no exception. Triggered by poor nutrition, pollution, sunlight and stress, dermatologists agree inflammation is the real culprit behind pretty much every skin issue, including wrinkles. Gluten, dairy and processed foods as well as excessive sugar and alcohol are the biggest offenders.

J is for… Juices

An easy way to give your skin a daily boost, start every day with a fresh fruit or vegetable juice. Berries are packed with antioxidants, while citrus fruits are packed with vitamin C which slows down the skin’s ageing process.

K is for… Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis Pilaris is a genetic skin disorder and affects 40% of adults (and up to 80% of adolescents). These painless tiny bumps usually on the upper arms, thighs and cheeks, can leave the affected area dry and rough. People often don’t recognise them as a skin condition, but just a case of bad skin. There are many products designed to reduce the appearance such as Creams containing alpha hydroxy acid, lactic acid, salicylic acid or urea help loosen and remove dead skin cells. They also moisturize and soften dry skin. Depending on their strength, these creams are available over-the-counter or with a prescription. Creams derived from vitamin A (topical retinoids) work by promoting cell turnover and preventing plugged hair follicles. 

L is for… Lines. 

We all hear the expression ‘fine lines and wrinkles’ almost daily. It’s everywhere. You have all heard it but, sun exposure is the biggest culprit in terms of skin ageing. In terms of prevention, SPF is your answer. Retinol will synthesise collagen and elastin and Ingredients like hyaluronic acid will plump up your skin.

M is for… Moisturisers

Moisturisers are one of the most important parts of your skincare routine. Replenishing moisturise and hydration into the skin is the key to healthy skin. Think of all the elements and things you expose your skin to that takes its natural moisture; weather, foods, face washes, make up. Look for ingredients that contain humectants and emollients. 

N  is for… Natural

Up to 60% of what we put on our skin ends up being absorbed in the body and when the products we use are made from harmful artificial ingredients these place an unnecessary burden on the body’s detoxification processes and on the entire immune system, including the skin. We have lots of home grown natural beauty brands making waves at home and abroad which include Voya, Seavite and newcomer Ripe by Roz. Kinvara’s  Absolute Cleansing Oil, another natural product that has won over beauty editors (and acne sufferers too).

O is for… Oils 

 Often feared by many particularly those with oily skin. Face oils return moisture and elasticity to your skin, smoothing wrinkles and soothing irritation in the process. The right face oil can help clear pores of excess sebum, and can reduce inflammation and irritation, as inflammation itself is actually one of the primary causes of acne.

P is for…Parabens 

Parabens are the most widely used preservatives in personal care products. Parabens stop fungus, bacteria and other microbes from growing in your favourite creams. 

Q & U – Lets just skip those for a while 🙂

R is for… Rosacea 

Rosacea is a skin condition that typically affects the face, usually around the nose and cheeks.  It results in redness, pimples, swelling, and small and superficial dilated blood vessels. It usually occurs in people over 30 and is often referred to as acne rosacea. Laser can be successful in treating this condition.

S is for… SPF

Sun Protection Factor. The number that follows is a measure of the time it will take for your skin to burn with the sunscreen applied, in comparison to unprotected skin. . Example: If your unprotected skin would burn in 10 minutes, an SPF30 product (correctly applied) would give her 30 x 10 minutes in the sun before burning. 

T Is for… T-Zone

 If you have oily or combination skin, chances are good you struggle with the area on your face known as your t-zone. If you’re unfamiliar with what exactly your t-zone is, imagine drawing a “T” on your face. Your t-zone consists of your forehead, nose, and chin.  An oily t-zone requires a little bit of extra care and protection. Even so, it won’t go without saying that t-zone area may also get dehydrated.

U is for… Ultra-violet Rays

The sunlight that reaches are skin  is made up of two types of rays, UVA and UVB. UVA causes premature ageing to the skin and

UVB rays that cause the skin to tan and burn. Protect your skin with a SPF of at least 30. 

V is for… Volume

 We spend thousands of euro’s on beauty products throughout our lifetime. But how much of that is wasted? For moisturizers and night creams, aim for the volume and length of one almond. When it comes to eye cream, less is best,  a sunflower seeds worth for each eye is sufficient. 

W is for… Water

Making up almost two thirds of our body, water plays a vital role in everything from regulating body temperature to keeping our skin healthy. And when it comes to skin health, drinking at least two litres is essential for a youthful complexion. Keep your face hydrated throughout the day, especially if you work in an airconditioned office or flying with a plumping face mist. I love Uriage Thermal water mist €7.98.

X, Y and Zzzz…

Make an effort to get your beauty sleep – when we sleep, our skin goes into rest mode, repairing damage caused by the sun’s rays and harmful pollution. Adequate sleep will restore luminosity to the skin while improving tone and texture – there’s a reason beauty experts call it the best-kept anti-ageing secret.

Beauty Hack Brows Product Skin Treatments

Sara’s Beauty Hacks

17 March 2021

Thicker Eyebrows

Thicker eyebrows are in and a natural and budget friendly way to grow your brows is pure pressed castor oil. You can get this in most health food shops. It contains fatty acids and protein that hair needs to grow long and strong. 

Using a cotton bud or your finger tip and apply the oil to your brows. Leave the oil overnight, wash it off in the morning and repeat as regularly as you can for best results.

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Body Scrub

If you want to scrub your skin naturally while you are in the shower all you need to do is add a little sea salt to your shower gel. Exfoliating is important if you want your skin to look bright and fresh but if you want to save the pennies, take the natural route and exfoliate while you wash. 

Spotlight on … Exfoliation

While daily cleansing and moisturizing is needed to maintain great skin, the not-so-hidden beauty secret to glowing skin is through exfoliation. Exfoliation treatments can help with skin rejuvenation, elasticity and collagen and removes dead skin cells from the surface. It will help tired, scarred or old skin look fresher, softer and smoother . You can exfoliate your face and body, and you can either do professional treatments or DIY at-home treatments.

I recently tried Declare’s soft Cleansing enzyme peel €26.95 which uses enzymes to gently exfoliates the surface of the skin. Because it is not a mechanical exfoliant, it is perfect for all skin types even the most sensitive of skins. It leaves your skin feeling really smooth straight after the first use. It get a thumbs up from me. 

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Makeup Product

Do Skincare and Makeup Products Really Expire?

10 March 2021
woman applying makeup

Yes, Unfortunately they do.

makeup and skincare shelf life-Set of decorative cosmetic. Foundations, facial powders. pastel colored. Blue background.Do makeup and skincare products really have expiration dates?

Unfortunately, makeup products do actually go bad and become less effective. Every product has an expiry date and a recommended length of time that it’s good for on its packaging.

Assuming you have opened your new skincare or makeup product, you’ve exposed it to oxygen, which naturally begins to decay the ingredients inside. It may not go bad but it can bring down the product’s efficacy, making it less useful for your skin’s needs.”

Are certain types of products more likely to go bad sooner?

Products that are all-natural have a shorter shelf life. Especially products that are sensitive to temperatures. Any product that goes around the eye or is a liquid formula tends to go bad faster and as your eyes are so sensitive, you should be extra careful as expired products can cause eye infection.

How do you know if a product has expired?

There’s usually a number on your skincare product which may read 6,12, 24 or 36, and this is the number of months your product is meant to last after it’s opened. But if the colour of your product changes or it begins to smell, just throw it away, even if it has not passed the expiration date. Temperature, humidity and light can cause the product to age faster.

When it comes to makeup, products may stop performing the way they’re suppose to. For example your foundations can get a bit on the streaky side. Your product will just not perform the way it was intended.

  1. What are some of the dangers of using expired skincare and makeup products?

Aside from using products that aren’t as effective, which is a waste of money, using products past their best before date can lead to infections, inflammation and acne.

artistic rendering of mascara


This is the makeup item you should be most vigilant abouy. As the brush is taken out, applied, and put back in the tube, it brings with it any bacteria that has collected along the way, explains cosmetic chemist Jim Hammer. Lingering bacteria can cause redness and itchiness, or even conjunctivitis and styes. Switch mascara every two to three months to be safe. It will also have a distinct gasoline-like smell once it’s gone bad.artistic rendering of foundation 


With the exception of powder formulas, all foundations are water-based, which means bacteria love them. Unopened, foundation can last for a couple of years, but once the seal is broken, it’s best to replace it after 6 to 12 months. Keep foundations out of moist environments and away from heat, as high temperatures encourage the growth of the bugs and can speed up the spoiling. An off smell or a change in colour tells you the formula is finished, applying it could cause irritation or breakouts.

artistic rendering of face powder

Face Powder

Powders are the Energizer Bunny of makeup. They keep going and going—at least, for up to two years.


The same rules that apply to face powder apply to powder blush, since neither contain water. Cream blush, however, should be replaced after a year. 

Beauty Hack Brows Featured Posts Treatments

Lucy Zender tells us how to achieve a flawless brow

28 February 2021
woman in red lipstick hiding behind green leaves

Lucy Zender is the creator and founder of Tweezerfile, an award-winning and innovative new beauty product that allows you to sharpen your old blunt tweezers and bring them back to life. Hold your tweezers with the blades together, then slide the tweezer up and down the Tweezerfile, gently applying equal pressure on the top and bottom blade. After a few strokes, your tweezers will be back to their old glory, gripping even the shortest hair!

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I caught up with Lucy Zender, creator and founder of Tweezerfile and she has given us the following tips and tricks to achieving a flawless brow.

Eyebrows out of control, following lockdowns and restrictions or do you just want to keep them as neat as possible until you can next get to an appointment? Or perhaps you have been taking a more do-it-at-home attitude to your beaty regimes over recent months.

Whatever your motivation, if you’re planning to do a DIY eyebrow tidy, you want to do it right. Here are my 6 top tips for getting flawless eyebrows in the comfort of your own home.

Get prepared:

Pluck your eyebrows after a bath or shower, so your pores are open and your skin softer. If you don’t have time, hold a warm, damp flannel to your brows for a couple of minutes to achieve a similar effect. Make sure you’re relaxed and have everything you need to hand. Most importantly, ensure your mirror is completely clean and fit for the job and that you have good light – but avoid magnifying mirrors and very bright lighting as that can lead to over-plucking.

Determine your eyebrow shape

In order to pluck your natural line, you need to determine the three vital points of your brows. Then you can pluck around these markers. These points are: 

  1. Start – With your eyebrow pencil, hold it vertically against your ‘nasal wing’ (the fattest part of your nostril). Mark with your other pencil where it meets your eyebrow. 
  2. Arch – this is the highest part of your eyebrow and can be determined by holding your pencil against your nasal wing again but this time at an angle so that it runs past the outer part of your pupil. Where this meets the eyebrow is your arch point. Again, this should be marked.
  3. End – With the pencil still on your nasal wing, turn it so it runs past the outward corner of your eye. Where it touches the brow, mark the end of your eyebrow.

Careful plucking

Work from the inside, over to the outside then underneath i.e. first pluck the hairs between your eyebrows, then pluck the hairs above your arch, to properly define it. Next, take out any hairs that are on the outside of your end mark. When you have done this, pluck under your brow. This is where you can determine how thick or thin your brows are. Be really careful to keep the plucking underneath consistent in both eyebrows! 

In fact, make sure you don’t do one eyebrow and then the other. Instead do a few hairs on one eyebrow and then even it up on the other side. Stop regularly and check that they are coming out even.

To make your plucking most efficient, stretch your skin tight and pluck from as close to the root as you can get. This makes it far less likely that you will break a hair and leave it too short to grab with your tweezers. Also, pull the hair in the direction it grows, to make it easier to pluck.

Trim stragglers:

Once you have your shape, you may want to just tidy up long hairs that have a nasty habit of pointing out at odd angles. Take your brow brush and brush your hairs up, then very carefully use your eyebrow scissors to trim them to the right length.

Add finishing touches:

It’s likely the skin around your eyebrows will be inflamed and sore once you have finished, so have a soothing cream to hand. 

Once they have calmed down you can go the extra mile with a couple of finishing touches.

  • If you still have errant hairs, use a specially-designed transparent gel to smooth them into place and keep them there.
  • If you did over-pluck or have small gaps in your eyebrow, use your eyebrow pencil to gently draw some tiny lines to replace the errant hairs.
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Look after your tweezers:

After a few times plucking your own brows, you’ll probably have got the hang of looking after them. However, don’t forget also to look after the tools of your trade, namely your tweezers. 

Many people simply throw their tweezers back in their makeup bag when they have finished with them. The trouble with this is that they are more likely to get the tips blunted and blunt tweezers are not effective. Blunt tweezers tend to bend and break hairs or simply not work at all.

So, when you have finished perfecting your brows, wipe your tweezers clean and store them either in a special storage pouch or point-up in a pot or other receptacle. If your Tweezers came with those little plastic covers on the tips, keep hold of them and replace them after each use to protect them from dust, etc.

However well you look after them, they will blunt eventually and what do you do then? Well, most people simply throw them away and get a new pair. Alternatively, look for a Tweezer file designed specifically for tweezers that is easy-to-use and will ensure your tweezers are always in tip top condition and will last and last!

I hope you’ve found these tips useful and that you can enjoy nice trim brows, whether this is a change for good or just until your favourite beautician is able safely reopen their doors! However good your DIY job, I suspect you may be glad to let them work their magic again when the time comes!

Tweeerfile is available in two beautiful colours, coral and petrol blue. Available via Tweezerfile.com and from Amazon. 

Web: https://www.tweezerfile.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tweezerfile/ 

Beauty Hack Featured Posts Skin

9 things you can do to have amazing skin

10 February 2021
  1.        HYDRATE:  It really is important. Not drinking enough water is like running your car without fuel.  Our skin is our largest organ, but we don’t usually think about it like that. Kidneys don’t work well without water so why would our skin? If you’re not sure how much water to be drinking every day, here is a super simple formula for you:

     Body weight divided by 2 = The number of ounces to drink daily.  So, if you are 140lbs, divide that in half=70, so 70 ounces of water daily. 

  •         CLEANSE:  It really can’t be said enough! Clean skin is healthy skin. The thing is though, that we have to be careful not to get over cleanse the skin and end up stripping the natural oils from our skin and doing more harm than good.  Also, use a product that is suitable for your skin type. 

       EAT A WELL-BALANCED, DIET:  A good balanced diet will help keep skin clearer, as the skin will have supply of all the essential vitamin, minerals, proteins and other things needed to keep it in the best health.

     CARE FOR AND REPLACE HYGIENE AND BEAUTY ITEMS REGULARLY:  You should clean your makeup brushes and sponges every week due to the build-up of dead skin cells and debris and dirt. Additionally, there is a shelf life on makeup. Don’t use that mascara that you have had for 2 years and risk getting an eye infection!  Just the same with washcloths (replace daily).


      MANAGE STRESS Uncontrolled stress can make your skin more sensitive and trigger acne breakouts and other skin problems. 

     EXFOLIATE and MOISTURIZE: Exfoliating once a week helps to remove dead skin cells leaving your skin with fresher, looking skin.  Follow with a moisturizer for your skin type after cleansing your face. 

      PROTECT YOUR SKIN: Protecting your skin from the elements, especially the extreme heat, sun and cold, will go a long way in keeping it healthy.  Use a SPF of 30 or more when in the sun, remembering to reapply every 2 hours. 

   EXERCISE: Regular exercise, can help to relieve stress, aids sleep which all contribute to good skin health. A brisk 30-minute daily walk is ideal.

Beauty Hack Featured Posts Makeup Skin

Maskne is real, here’s how to deal with it

3 February 2021
What exactly is maskne (Mask induced acne)
The maskne struggle is real. As face masks are mandatory indoors, the prolonged and consistent use can contribute to a number of skin issues like irritation, blemishes and congested skin. Maskne is the result of constant friction of the mask on the skin, which causes it to become irritated, clog pores, lose water and allows bacteria in. The trapped air beneath the mask, creates a warm, moist environment which is ideal breathing ground for bacteria. Maskne is technically referred to as acne mechanica.

Prior to the pandemic, this form of facial irritation was primarily experienced by athletes, commonly due to the sweat, heat, and friction in their helmets and straps. We are seeing it more now with people wearing masks for an extended period of time.

How can you prevent and treat maskne?

Prevention is always best. If you are wearing a cloth mask, wash it daily and change it frequently throughout the day.  If you are wearing a disposable mask, try to replace it as often as possible. The KN95 medical masks can irritate pressure points very easily so add silicone strips under the pressure areas.

Treating Maskne


If you start developing maskne, be gentle.  Overdoing skincare can compromise your skin’s protective barrier. Instead, wash your face with a gentle cleanser like Neutrogena oil free face wash and avoid products that are too drying because they will cause the skin barrier to become more compromised. Another good cleanser is the Cerave SA cleanser as it contains salicylic acid which is a great ingredient for oily skin. 

Image result for cerave sa cleanser

For hydration after washing, look for a products with hyaluronic acid and emollients like Cetaphil daily hydrating lotion, really good for dry eczema prone skin.

Cetaphil Daily Hydrating Lotion

Treatment options for acne break outs over the counter products that help resolve the clogged pores are beneficial recommends products like Differan Acne gel  or LA Roche-Posay Effaclar Adapalene Gel.

Image result for LA Roche-Posay Effaclar Adapalene Gel.
See the source image

Avoid anything with SLS or sodium lauryl sulfate, which is a harsh sulfate that really strips the skin of its natural oils and impairs the barrier. Try to avoid any face scrubs, anything that feels like sand or grit as they damage the skin’s barrier. You can’t use powerful products like alpha hydroxy acids, chemical peels or Retin A to blast the acne because they will further damage the fragile skin barrier, making it more sensitive to the mask’s irritating effects. Don’t use heavy ingredients, like cocoa butter or coconut oil, and skip any kind of oil-based foundation

Wash that mask

Re wearing a mask shouldn’t be an option, but if you do it is an ideal cause of breakouts.

If you exercise or sweat during the day with a mask on, then you want to change that mask and put on a fresh, clean mask right away. Ensure your mask fits you correctly to give you protection, not too loose that it rubs or moves and not too tight that it constricts you.

Brows Hair Makeup Skin Treatments

The return of the beauty industry after Covid

17 January 2021

The beauty industry is one of the safest - Boris Johnson must get ...

The global beauty industry has been shocked by the covid-19 crisis, but the industry has responded positivity to the crisis. I spoke to a few owners across the beauty industry and asked them how they are coping since re-opening, the challenges they face and how long do they think it will take for the industry to recover.

‘When we closed our doors in March due to Covid 19, it was like we were living on a movie set it was so surreal. I was devastated but knew it was the right thing to do, being closed for almost 4 months was the hardest hurdle we have faced in business and being a new business of just 2 years as we were still building our brand and closing left us very unsure of the future and almost felt at one time we would be starting all over again but we knew we would be doing everything in our power to make sure our doors reopened.  We used the time to upskill and carry on learning about everything that we love to do. We made maximum changes in line with all guidelines to ensure the best customer experience and to have a safe salon for clients and staff members. We have always been an upbeat fast pace salon with walk ins always welcome and we have now had to extend appointment times to accommodate all the extra sanitising before and after each client. Hygiene was always at the highest standards at Darque but now we are above and beyond with very strict protocols in place, we have sanitisers all around our salon, PPE is worn by staff & clients, social distancing is very important and we are very firm with it, we have Perspex between sections and portable Perspex for any clients who may be extremely nervous. Our client numbers have also been reduced as we no longer have a waiting area and we are limited to the numbers in our salon at one time.  I feel like the salon experience still feels the same for our clients, just with a few twists. We have had amazing support from clients and great feedback with regard to all the work we have done to the salon to keep everyone feeling confident that safety is key when they enter. I do think our industry will take quite some time to bounce completely back to how it used to be if it even does, I honestly think this is the new normal now & I do think everyone will adjust to it and that amazing salon feeling that we all love will again return. It’s one of the safest places to be as our industry always has had the highest hygiene standards so after some weeks, I can see things getting better once everyone remains careful and all advice is always adhered to. We love what we do, and we are so happy to get back doing what we love the most and seeing our clients support us as soon as we open our doors is an amazing feeling. It won’t be an easy road but with passion and drive we will give it our all, we look forward to welcoming old and new clients back to Darque to experience the new salon experience’. Melanie, Owner Darque Tanning Studio & Blow Dry Parlour

‘Since covid shut us down, reopening will be a huge challenge for people especially within the beauty industry. We all need to make sure we protect ourselves and our clients with best practices and good product hygiene. I see the future being bright again, and I already have people rebooking back in – but it will take time’. John Paul Payne Makeup

Due to Covid 19, Gellicious Nail & Beauty Stuido & Gellicious Academy were closed from the 16th of March. Staff used this time to educate themselves on the virus and up-skill in salon cleanliness for a safe re-opening. Gellicious re-opened on the 29th of June following all guidelines set out by the HSE and we are delighted to welcome back our loyal clients that have stuck with us through this strange time. A constant effort is being made at Gellicious to monitor all updates regarding Covid 19 as both our clients and staff health and well-being are a priority to us. We hope to see you soon for your nail appointment, we have missed you all!

Kathy, Natalia & team – Gellicious Nail & Beauty Studio and Academy

‘I closed my salon doors on St. Patrick’s weekend and I never imagined it would be nearly four months before I held a set of tweezers in my hands again. While I’m delighted to be reopened I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit anxious as to what the future holds for my small business. The long term impact is that even when the Covid crisis is over people will still be very cautious about their intimate experience with their beautician. I think people are taking a step back and thinking ‘Is this the cleanest most hygienic place I can put myself in’. That being said the beauty industry has always adhered to strict hygiene procedures. I have totally revamped my salon with a new air purifying system and a sanitising unit, so I’m open for business looking forward to doing lashes for my amazing clients. Debbie Gibney – Lashes by Debbie Gibney 

Brows Skin

All about Brows!

17 January 2021
human eye close up photography

A good brow product should define your shape, fill in any areas that need extra help and give you a natural yet full finish.  For anyone new to filling in brows, pencils are great. Pencils are buildable so it can prevent you going OTT.  If you’re using a pencil, use short, hair-like strokes to mimic the natural look of your brow. If your brows are extra thin and you need some serious fill in action, use a pomade and a slanted brow brush. If you don’t have brow pomade, put some hair spray on your finger and wipe over your brows to keep the hairs in place.

Sara’s Favourite Brow Pencil: MAC spiked brow pencil €18.00. I absolutely love this eyebrow styler. I use the color Spiked. I’ve used a few eyebrow pencils, pens, and gels but I keep going back to this one! A self-propelling, self-sharpening, water-resistant styler.  The fine tip makes it  easy to draw individual hairs if you want to and makes it handy for getting that perfect shape without being too messy. It glides on nicely and stays put.

Sara’s Favourite Brow mascara: NYX brow mascara 8.00  in noir.  The formula stays put on the brows throughout  the whole day! I’ve no need to reapply and one coat does the job all day. I find it to be equal to a lot of more expensive brow products. The pigmentation is really strong and it dries very quickly with no flaking.

Sara’s Favouritie Brow pomade: Anatasia Beverely Hills €22.00

 I tend to switch up between the colours that I use for myself (dark brown, medium brown, and chocolate) because there are just so many shades to choose from and depending on the eye look I want to achieve, It does take time to find your perfect shade in dipbrow, but regardless, it really makes transformations happen. A little does go a very long way. If you’re stuck with sparse, light-haired natural eyebrows, dip brow is truly a blessing. Pair it with a little concealer around the edges, and you will not regret it!

Brow Lamination at a glance

What is it?

Brow lamination is the process of restructuring brow hairs to keep them in the desired shape. 

Who is it good for?

It is a perfect treatment for someone with full brows whose hairs are irregular in direction.

How does it look?

It will give the appearance of perfectly groomed full brows.

How long does brow lamination last?

With proper care, brow lamination can last four to eight weeks.


The latest in non-invasive beauty treatments

17 December 2020
photo of woman talking to the sick patient

Non-surgical and cosmetic procedures have come a long way since the late 1990’s. I think nowadays people just want to look better, not different. They still want to look like themselves, only a better version. 

I spoke to Dr Brenner from Faceworks in Carlow about the advances in non-invasive beauty treatments. “It’s a very exciting field of medicine to work in as there are so many innovative treatments being developed. While the dermal fillers and anti-wrinkle treatments are as popular as ever, we now have many other non-invasive and safe options available to give really natural results. We have seen a lot of interest in the PRP facial (also known as the Vampire facial) which uses a small sample of the client’s blood, extracting repair and growth factors which are then used to stimulate skin renewal. We are hoping the injectable treatment for under-chin fat will be approved over the coming months in Ireland, following years of successful treatments in the US.”

Anti-wrinkle injections and fillers

Anti-wrinkle injections and fillers are still the top two non-surgical procedures performed worldwide. Anti-wrinkle injections work on wrinkles which result from making facial expressions, such as forehead wrinkles, vertical lines between the eyebrows when you frown (often referred to as (the 11’s) and crow’s feet. It acts by impeding the nerve impulses that cause the underlying muscle to activate, resulting in smoother and tighter skin. 

Facial Fillers

Facial fillers function very differently to anti-wrinkle injections. Fillers add volume to the skin. Dermal fillers are used to treat static wrinkles caused by loss of volume or the effects of gravity e.g. naso labial folds (the lines from the nose-mouth).

Non-surgical Body Contouring

Liposuction is still the gold standard for fat removal, yet it is invasive, expensive and requires downtime. A lot of other options for fat loss, toning and contouring are available from Vaserlipo-suction to fat freezing.

Vaserlipo uses ultrasound body contouring technology to eliminate fat from various areas of the body. It is a minimally invasive procedure with no sedation or general anaesthetic required. Dr Khalout in Castlknock Cosmetic Clinic says ‘The procedure works by using ultrasound technology to break down and separate fat cells which literally shake the fat cells while leaving fat, blood cells and nerves unharmed. The loose fat cells are then removed by gentle suction’.

Photo courtesy of Castlenock Cosmetic Clinic – Vaser Lipo

Fat Freezing

Fat freezing can come under lots of different names – cool sculpting, cryolipolysis but they all do the same thing – freeze fat! Sabrina from Aphrodite Laser & Beauty Clinic says ‘that between 20-40% of the fat cells begin a natural removal of elimination through the body which can take 2-4 months. Results are gradual, but it is very noticeable permanent fat layer reduction’.

Laser Tattoo Removal

Laser tattoo removal has seen a huge increase over the past few years and a recent poll conducted by Syneron-Candela claims that 39% of 2,000 people regretted getting their tattoos. A tattoo will stay on the body because the ink particles in your tattoo are two large to be broken down by the body’s natural immune system. The laser breaks the tattoo particles down and the smaller particles are naturally removed by the body. Most professional tattoos typically require 7 to 14 treatment sessions at monthly intervals. Unfortunately, no pain no gain. You should expect to experience slight discomfort but it won’t feel any worse than when you were getting your tattoo in the first place. 

Double Chin Jab

Fat dissolving ingredient Kybella is creating a stir in the US. It was used first in 2015 for the treatment of double chins. The only disadvantage is that it requires multiple treatments and lots of injections, which requires a little downtime as swelling can last for a few days.


My favourite Serums

17 November 2020
black bottle on brown wooden table

The fastest way to treat your skin needs? Buy yourself a good serum.

Face serums are the powerhouse in your skincare routine. With a much lighter consistency than face creams, they contain a higher concentration of active ingredients. The smaller molecular weight can penetrate the skin much deeper than a heavier cream. In fact, serums are the ones that do all the hard work. If you could only use one skincare product for the rest of your life, grab a serum. They help combat a number of skin issues, everything from dehydration and wrinkles, to dullness and pigmentation. I promise you won’t regret it for the change to your skin is worth it.

Anti-ageing products, particularly those with antioxidants, can be used as early as in your 20s, but the most important thing is to use anti-ageing products that are appropriate for your skin type. Remember that serums contain the highest concentration of active ingredients that you can get without a prescription, so it’s important to get the right one for you.

Best for: Golden glow
L’Oréal Paris Age Perfect Cell €23.89

This affordable skin serum is enriched with super hydrating hyaluronic acid and golden micro-reflectors to give skin a moisture boost and an instant golden glow.

best face serum L'Oreal Paris Age Perfect Cell Renew Golden Serum

Best for: Tightening and Brightening. 
Precision Lifting & Pore-Tightening Concentrate, , Kiehl’s €65.60

Perfect for those who have a bit of a complex about the size of their pores, this serum has a thick texture which melts into a cream rather than a gel or oil. It also smells really lovely and absorbs into skin quickly, making it perfect for applying makeup afterwards sans-moisturiser


Best for: Rolling back the years. 
Double Serum €72.00 has long-standing 5 star reviews, and for good reason. With a delectable scent and a smooth oil finish, the serum absorbs into skin so quickly you’ll forget you even applied it! If you’re looking to smooth out some of those laughter lines, this is definitely one for you.


Double Serum, Clairns

Best for: Affordable skin fix
No7 Protect & Perfect Intense advanced Serum €45.00

This cult classic serum is one of the most affordable anti-ageing products
that really delivers on the market. Giving skin an instant anti-ageing
boost, fine lines and wrinkles appear reduced after a few uses, and
results improve over time. Add a little into your foundation to increase its skincare benefits and give a sheer, radiant finish.

best face serum No7 Protect and Perfect Intense ADVANCED Serum Pump

Sara’s Favourite: ZO Skin Health Ossential Growth Factor Serum

best face serum Estee Lauder

Estée Lauder Advanced Night Repair Synchronized Recovery Complex €109.00

The original. The classic. Here are a few facts about the serum that everybody loves. In one year, Estée Lauder sold over 5.7 million bottles  globally. It reduces the appearance of the key signs of ageing, it hydrates and illuminates. It was the first skincare product to use hyaluronic acid. The formula has been patented until 2033. I have used this serum, and I didn’t finish the bottle. I wasn’t a fan, but that doesn’t mean it wont work for you.